Board of Professional and Technical Education Islamabad
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Our Mission

“BPTEI” is the largest Technical, Vocational, Professional base of Pakistan which thinks about youth bright future. The people who are literate or illiterate and have skilled but they do not have certificate due to this they are at a loss in development of society they do not have their skills identification. They cannot be able to prove their selves if they get a chance to have brilliant vacancy or handsome salary in a city or abroad. Our organization provides them certificate on behalf of their ability, so that they could prove their selves and walk along with prosperous society.

Our Vision

No one can deny the role of education in the society’s development. It is also a fact that no society can be prosperous or make any development without education. Besides, it is also a fact that the technical education is like a backbone and technically sound persons are the great assets of any society. However, on one hand if getting education for common people is becoming more and more difficult, on the other hand the youth are getting more and more opportunities because of technical education. For this purpose, thousands of technical and professional institutes are working and delivering training in this field due to which thousands of youth are getting advantages and becoming capable of earning clean money for their families with grace and respect. But there are also such students who, due to poverty, and besides being talented, cannot find the opportunity to get training in any such organizations. This leads them to work as labor or do nothing which, in most of the cases, destroy their lives and sometimes cause harmful to the society. In such circumstances, if a glance is given to the prevalent situation in the country, so one can feel that there is a big role of unemployment in all this. Looking into the prevalent situation, the directors of technical and professional institutes in Pakistan especially Khyber Pukhtunkhwa and FATA have constituted a board of directors known as “BOARD OF PROFESSIONAL AND TECHNICAL EDUCATION RAWAT ISB” (BPTEI) which is working as a welfare organization. The BPTEI is working to educate the youth of Pakistan especially KPK and FATA by its own and for this purpose its members and the donors have established a fund which is helping all those helpless students who cannot afford to get the technical education. The “BPTEI” also along with giving technical, professional, vocational, paramedical, education is providing them with the opportunities and resources. Moreover, the most talented and genius students are encouraged by giving them scholarships. They are also given with various certificates besides so that they can find opportunities of a respectable job.

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Mode of Studies

We develop diverse, student- and workplace-oriented learning environments that promote personal and professional growth, communal responsibility and active citizenship.

Regular Education

"Regular education" is the term often used to describe the educational experience of typically developing students.

Fast Track/RPL Education

Fast Track/RPL Education Recognition of Prior Learning RPL and Skills Recognition is a simple process of formal recognition through which you turn your experience or overseas qualification into an country recognized qualification.

Distance Education

Distance education, also called distance learning, is the education of students who may not always be physically present at a institutions